Saturday, 21 February 2015

Halley's Comet


In the beginning of the human kind, people start living with the help of stars and moon they see in the night sky.

They think That it is calendar made by their god. They know that when to migrate from their place, when it will be rain, when the winter will start etc.

When they seen the comet in the night sky for the first time, they are curious about this because they don't k know the secret of it.

They started thinking about this and made some disgusting thoughts about it.

Someone says that it is the message of god came from the heaven that there will be a possibility of death of their king or may be death of mankind due to heavy diseases and they have proves of this due to some coincident.

But in 1964, we have a change in our thoughts about comets when Sir Edmond Halley meets Sir Isaac Newton to talk about comets.

Halley ask Newton that "Do you know about this?" and Newton simply answered that its nothing but a rock made by dust and ice whose orbit is eclipsed around the sun. Halley was shocked by listening this because no one is able to answer this that time. Newton explain him that how tail generates and from where they come.

After listening this Halley offered him money and support to publish Newton's work and it is published by the name "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" ( Mathematical principles of natural philosophy). It is a best ever book written in the history of science and calculus is also invented by Newton to solve problems raised in calculations of some gravitational equations.

Than Halley started studying about when and in which region comets are shown by human beings and concluded that the comet came in 1605, 1682 are same comets which comes after 75-76 years and that's why it is known as Halley's Comet.